Survival stories

Marta and Begoña, two women accompanied on their path.

The support of their families during treatment and the recovery process was vital for the leading characters of this survival story.

Today Marta is 57 years old. She tells us that after 22 years she lives a thoroughly ambivalent life, from girl to women, from hopes to fears, a situation with no time to assimilate and with a healthy dose of defiance. It’s highly likely that that rebellious spirit and the people who accompanied her with their care, taught her a lot of what she continues to do in her life: “provide care”.

Begoña is 55 years old. When she was diagnosed at the age of 38, the only thing she could think of were her 3 very young children. That prompted her to lean on others and not to withdraw into herself. If they were well and looked after, she could rest assured.

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