Stomach cancer

Adenocarcinoma is the most frequent type of stomach cancer, and is associated to certain dietary habits: smoking, alcohol and Helicobacter pylori infection among others. It produces few or rather unspecific symptoms: heartburn, acidity, a heavy feeling when eating, pain, weakness, weight loss or anaemia.

It is diagnosed by gastroscopy and biopsies of suspicious lesions. A CAT scan will give us information on the extension of the disease and will help us to make decisions regarding the best treatment plan.

At Onkologikoa we have a highly experienced medical team and the most advanced technology to inform and accompany the patient during the whole process of studying, diagnosing and treating stomach cancer. People who are patients, patients who are treated like people.

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Treatments for this kind of cancer


A partial or total gastrectomy may be required depending on the location and histological subtypes (intestinal type, diffuse type). A lymphadenectomy of the different nodal stations potentially at risk of being affected must also be associated.


Post-surgery application of the adjuvant regimen has shown an improvement in overall disease-free survival.

Perioperative neoadjuvant chemotherapy

When administered both before and after surgery, this treatment has shown improvements in both recurrence-free and overall survival rates. Another of the advantages is avoiding unnecessary surgery in patients who develop distant metastasis during its preoperative administration.

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